About Us
Progressive Fumigation Corporation is registered with the department of plant protection (quarantine division) of the Ministry of Food & Agriculture Pakistan, for the last 25 years.
We are carrying out the fumigation of all kinds of foodstuff, and wooden material export to all over the world as per international countries standard of their quarantine requirement. Our fumigation staff is fully accredited and managed to ensure that all work is to tactical high standards sea and airfreight consignment, we are the company always managed the standard of (A.Q.I.S) Australian quarantine inspection services. You can see our company name in their fumigators list our fumigation treatment and fumigation certificate are accepted, yes we are the company accepted in Australia.
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- Godowns / Warehouses / Silos / Flour mills / Empty ship holds Fumigation
- Stuffed & Empty containers of Export/Import at Port/Inland Container Depot (ICD)/Container Freight Stations (CFS) and at House stuffing Points.
- In-transit Fumigation-Commodities Onboard, Barges, etc.
- Termite Control Treatment during Pre & Post Construction Stage as per PSI standards with Guarantee.
- Rodent control & De ratting of Ships.
- Dis-infestation Of Warehouses, Food plants, and residential premises.
- General Pest control services. Fumigation is the process where a highly toxic fumigant such as Methyl Bromide or phosphine is used to eradicate pests from products, produce, or a location (ships, containers, wood, agriculture land, foodstuff, aircraft, etc).
The process involves the complete covering or sealing of the product or item to be fumigated with canvas, plastic sheets, or tape to make it as airtight as possible. The fumigant is then released into the sealed area or compartment. The duration of exposure varies from 4 hours to 24 hours, depending on the product to be fumigated and the type of fumigant used. Fumigation is a quarantine requirement for countries such as Australia, New Zealand & China before goods are admitted into the country.
Items we fumigate include:
- Rice
- Timber
- Wooden Pallets
- Furniture
- Tobacco
- Special artifacts & ship wooden sports goods.
- All kinds of foodstuff.
CORPORATION is fully licensed to carry out all quarantine requirements regarding fumigation and our licenses are recognized and accepted worldwide. We specialize in, wood, ships, golf ground, agriculture land, and foodstuff fumigation.
Updating is in progress…..
Updating is in progress…..
Standard Operating Procedures
- OUR Fumigation is based on pest control using gaseous pesticides or biocides (fumigants) to suffocate or poison pests or undesirable organisms. Fumigants act either as poisons when they are breathed in, or through suffocation by removing or replacing the oxygen in air, or by the lethal biocide effect of the fumigant on the surface of the target organism.
- Consequently, fumigation is a hazardous process, with potentially serious, even fatal, consequences to those applying the fumigants or to others in the vicinity, if not used correctly and safely.
- Fumigation operations can occur in a variety of situations, including in purpose-built fumigation or sterilization chambers, outside, in temporarily created containment, in suitably prepared buildings, on ships or other structures.
- The choice of fumigant will be determined by the our individual circumstances, e.g. the commodities or locations to be fumigated, availability of the fumigant, temperature, target organism or pest, and available time to complete the fumigation.
- Fumigants and their use are regulated under several pieces of legislation. Our checks the product’s authorization or approval conditions to ensure that the product’s approval is in line with their proposed application. The authorized list is continuously updated so employers should check the list regularly.
Health and safety
- Progressive’s health and safety pursue with the Act 1974 (HSW Act). The HSW Act applies to all work activities and premises and everyone at work has responsibilities under it, including the self-employed.
- Progressive’s individuals always take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions at work.
- Progressive’s also routine the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1995 (the Management Regulations) also apply to every work activity and workplace and all Fumigation risk must be assessed and when necessary and controlled.
Responsibilities of Fumigators and There In charge:
Progressive’s fumigators are well trained for the challenges in the fumigation process
- Progressive’s Fumigators and fumigators-in-charge only involved in a fumigation operation when they are and have been properly trained. This includes training of the safe use and disposal of the fumigant they are going to use, safety precautions and what to do if there is an emergency.
- Progressive’s always ensures that only fumigators and fumigators In charge engaged in fumigation:
What to do, what precautions are needed and when they should be taken, including: general safe procedures to be followed;
- Precautions to be taken in organizing fumigation.
- Applying a fumigant and containing the gas in the fumigated area.
- How to conduct a risk assessment.
- Ventilation procedures to be followed after the fumigation have been completed to make the fumigated area safe to re-enter.
- The cleaning, transport, storage and disposal procedures required for the equipment and fumigant generating substances, why and when they are required.
- When and how to dispose of fumigated items or how to safely retain raw produce (e.g. flour) if required by the label.
- Progressive’s ensures that fumigators have received the required level of training and that they are capable of:
- Assessing the hazards of the fumigant i.e. the properties of the substance which have the potential to cause harm to health.
- Assessing the hazards of the work area, e.g. working at height, working in a confined space etc. • Controlling and containing the fumigant.
- Using, maintaining and the limitations of PPE.
- Using the application equipment in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.
- Safe transportation and storage of fumigants and fumigant-generating materials.
- Progressive’s make sure that the fumigator understands the emergency procedures and if necessary is able to intervene using the appropriate level of first aid, e.g. being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of fumigant poisoning and then be able to carry out the appropriate resuscitation techniques.
- Due to the risks involved in fumigations, employees should be given basic training before being allowed to handle fumigants, fumigant-generating substances that may have been contaminated.
- The Progressive’s basic training includes practical experience such as observing fumigations from a place of safety (outside the risk area) or taking part in the preparation for fumigation with a qualified person.
- After completion of the basic training, fumigators under training may be allowed to take part in a fumigation operation under supervision. It is up Progressive’s decides when the fumigator is ready to perform the duties of a fumigator and to authorize the fumigator to carry out these duties. The certificate is issued by one of the recognized training providers is evidence of the fumigator’s ability to perform the duties.
- Safety and staffing recommendations exist for some individual products. The fumigator should take this information into account before drawing up the risk assessment. The outcome of the risk assessment may suggest that at least two fumigators will be needed for the fumigation, Where this is the case, both fumigators should be competent first-aiders and should understand the first-aid requirements relevant to the application and venting of fumigants. One of the fumigators should be the fumigator-in-charge and have responsibility for:
- The safe-keeping, issue and release of the fumigant.
- Assessing the work area for non-fumigant-related risks.
- Observing all necessary safety precautions lay down by the employer, including the posting of warning notices and their removal only after a certificate of clearance has been issued.
- Confirming at the end of the fumigation operation that the fumigation area and other risk areas are safe for re-entry.
- In the case of a large or complex fumigation operation, more fumigators may be needed. In such circumstances, the team leader may act as a supervisor.
Control Measures Common To All Fumigations
Detection and other equipment (other than PPE)
- All the equipment’s possess by Progressive’s maintained in line with the manufacturer’s instructions and it should be examined each time before use in a fumigation operation. In addition, detection equipment are inspected on the regular basis, where appropriate, calibrated to ensure that all items are in effective working order.
Portable electronic gas detectors
- Gas meters can instantaneously measure substances in air and display this measurement to the operator.
- These are useful in fumigant work for:
- Leak detection.
- Warning workers of dangerous levels (by way of alarms).
- Some gas meters are specific to a single substance, e.g. a detector exists specific to phosphine and other detectors are not specific and will respond to a broad range of volatile organic compounds.
- Direct Read Instruments are only useful if they are sensitive enough to detect the very low levels of fumigant that can be hazardous to people.
- Some fumigant manufacturers recommend particular meters for detection of their product.
Gas detector tubes
- Precise measurement of the concentration can be achieved using a simple method of the gas detector tube system. Such systems consist of a graduated, transparent tube containing a chemically impregnated solid through which a sample of the contaminated air is drawn by means of a hand pump.
- A fresh tube is required each time concentration levels are tested.
- Progressive’s PPE equipments worn to protect workers against hazardous substances. This could be in the form of gloves to protect against skin contact with fumigants or RPE to protect against inhaling fumigants.
- RPE is the collective name for respirators or breathing apparatus (BA) used to protect health in the workplace. Respirators filter the air to remove harmful substances; BA provides clean air for the worker to breathe.
- PPE and RPE should be used during fumigation operations.
- Assigned Protection Factors (APFs) are given to all classes of RPE to advise users of the level of protection they offer. The maximum anticipated concentration of fumigant in the air should be anticipated to select the most appropriate RPE.
- RPE is suitable when it is matched to the wearer, task and environment.
- The RPE face piece should be face fit-tested. Users should be trained in the correct use of RPE, including: The importance of being clean shaven, when wearing tight-fitting face pieces to maintain a good seal where the mask meets the skin. Visually checking RPE before each use (valves, seals etc).
- When not in use RPE should be stored in a dedicated container or area to prevent physical damage and contamination.
- Progressive’s fumigators thoroughly examine the RPE in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. This should be undertaken at least monthly. The quality of air supplied to BA should be checked every three months. Records of these RPE and air quality checks should be kept for five years.
Measures to protect the skin
- Many fumigants are hazardous to the skin and eyes, this can be due to their chemical properties or even the physical properties e.g. there is a risk of frostbite when handling compressed gases in cylinders. Any personal protective clothing must guard against the specific hazards and must be suitable and sufficient.
- Recent cuts or abrasions to the skin should be protected and the dressings changed immediately if they become contaminated or damp.
Health surveillance and health records
- Health surveillance includes keeping an individual health record of enquiries by a responsible person about any symptoms following self-reporting by fumigators (e.g. burns from fumigants).
- A responsible person is an occupational health professional appointed by the Progressive’s who is competent to carry out the relevant investigation and report back to the employer on the outcome. Health records for all those involved in fumigation operations should contain the following information:
- a) Name.
- b) Gender.
- c) Date of birth.
- d) Permanent address and post code.
- e) National Insurance number.
- f) Medical practitioner.
- g) Date when present employment involving the use of fumigants started.
- The conclusions should relate only to the employee’s fitness for work and should include, where appropriate, a record of the decisions of the occupational health professional.
First aid for fumigators affected by fumigant
- Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981,a suitable and sufficient first-aid assessment must be in place. Employers are also responsible for ensuring that the appropriate number of fumigators carrying out the fumigation procedure have the necessary competencies to act as first-aiders and the necessary equipment readily to hand, i.e. oxygen and appropriate manual resuscitators (bag and mask) in an emergency.
- If a person is affected by fumigant, they should be taken into fresh air at once and kept quiet and warm. Rescuers must take care not to become poisoned themselves. Medical attention should be sought immediately and the product label, ‘Instructions in Writing’ or safety data sheet should be shown to the doctor/paramedic.
- In general, the more seriously poisoned the victim, the more important it is to get them to hospital as quickly as possible. If breathing stops or shows signs of failing, artificial respiration should be administered using oxygen and a suitable mechanical device such as a bag and mask. Do not use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (even with a resuscitate-aid device) because of the risks of secondary poisoning.
Medical treatment
- Notes supplied by the manufacturer or supplier with the fumigant should be available at every fumigation to provide guidance to the medical practitioners. These notes should accompany the patient to the doctor or hospital.
PROGRESSIVE’S Fumigation operation:
Defining the fumigation and risk areas
- The fumigation area is the whole area or space into which a fumigant is delivered. The risk area is all areas or spaces where the fumigant gas has been applied and any other areas where the gas may move to, therefore posing a danger to fumigators and others.
- The fumigation area must always be sealed from other areas and made as gas tight as possible. No one should enter it during a fumigation period, except in a serious emergency, such as a fire, and then only by agreement with the fumigator-in-charge of the fumigation operation.
- In such circumstances PPE, including RPE, must be worn.
Prep of fumigation
- Before fumigation begins, the fumigator must ensure that the following precautions are taken:
- The fumigation area should be evacuated (removing and securing any non-target animals, plants etc).
- Only the fumigator allowed into the risk area absorbent liquids and foodstuffs should be removed and, where possible, other absorbent solids (other than those intended to be fumigated) should also be removed from the fumigation area.
- The fumigation area should be sealed, checking for unusual escape routes for the gas, e.g. sumps, drains, holes around ducting, ducting shafts, pipe work, connections behind false ceilings etc.
- Any unnecessary electrical supply should be disconnected from the fumigation area.
- The risk area should be secured against unauthorized entry.
During Fumigation
OUR fumigators make sure that:
- Only the minimum amount of fumigant carry out the fumigation both effectively and safely should be used. This may be achieved by managing the temperature, improving the sealing and/or extending the duration of fumigation;
- A check of and, if necessary, repair of any leaks from the fumigation area or the application equipment and piping outside the fumigation area is carried out, especially at joints and couplings.
- European symbols Oxidizing Corrosive Highly Flammable F+ Extremely Flammable Explosive Dangerous to the environment Toxic T+ Very toxic Harmful Irritant I
- Device should be used. If leaks are detected, they must be dealt with by a fumigator wearing RPE, before the fumigation can continue. If it is not possible to seal a leak, the fumigation and risk areas should be extended.
After application of Fumigant
- Cylinder valves should be closed, and valve caps and cylinder caps placed in position.
- All equipment should be ventilated and inspected for solid residues by the fumigator wearing appropriate RPE and PPE, before it is loaded into transport or placed in store and any contaminated clothing and equipment (including RPE) should be removed and aired in a well-ventilated place for a minimum of two hours or until free of fumigant, whichever is the greater.
- If skin and hair become contaminated, they should be brushed free of any solid residues in a well-ventilated place after work and before smoking, washing, eating or drinking or going outdoors in the rain.
Venting (aeration)
- The fumigation area and risk area should be ventilated at the end of the fumigation period. Fumigation gases and solid fumigation particles are heavier than air. Where it is necessary to enter the fumigation area to carry out the ventilation, e.g. to open doors or windows.
- The COSHH risk assessment should identify areas such as cellars, enclosed vessels and other similar confined spaces that should use forced ventilation to remove the fumigant.
- The number of fumigators required to vent the fumigation area will depend on the type of fumigation taking place and the associated risks highlighted by the fumigator-in-charge in the risk assessment.
- Materials in the fumigation area may continue to release gas after the end of the fumigation operation and so should be considered.
Pressurized fumigant gases, should be stored:
- In an area which is securely fenced off, well away from foodstuffs and human or animal habitation.
- In a dry, well-ventilated store, this should be regularly monitored for leakage of the fumigant.
- Gassing powders, sachets and fumigation tablets should be stored in their original containers off the floor in a separate, moisture-proof and fire-proof
- chest, bin or vault with appropriate labeling, including a warning ‘Gassing compound: Do not use water’.
Emergency measures
Damaged or leaking fumigant containers
- The risk assessment carried out before the start of the fumigation operation should include provisions for the disposal of damaged or leaking canisters:
- If the canisters can be moved safely, they should be taken to a safe place in the open air and away from people, animals and flammable materials by a fumigator wearing RPE, where they may be safely vented;
- If the canisters cannot be moved safely, their current site should be treated as a fumigation area and appropriate precautions taken in line with this guidance.
Major leakage
- In the event of an emergency during fumigation, e.g. if a delivery pipe breaks or becomes disconnected, or containment measures, such as sheeting, become damaged and leakage of fumigant occurs, the fumigator should wear RPE to immediately close the main cylinder valve or repair the damage. The fumigator should then withdraw from the risk area. After a period of ventilation, and wearing RPE, the fumigator should check the concentration of fumigant in the risk area.
- Unprotected people should not be allowed to enter the risk area.
- Consideration should be given to calling the fire and rescue service to resolve the matter if it cannot be effectively dealt with by an on-site fumigator.
If the Fire and Rescue Services or other emergency services are called to a fire or leak in or near a fumigation or risk area, the fumigator should explain which fumigant is being used and provide all available information to them on the hazards and precautions needed.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations place obligations on employers and other responsible people to report incidents to the appropriate enforcing authorities.
- When working inside the building, fumigators should wear RPE.
- The duration of the ventilation period will vary according to the size and condition of the building and the weather conditions.
- If the fumigation area is part of several interconnected buildings, it should be sealed off from the adjoining structures.
- All windows, doors and other openings from the building should be sealed with masking tape or other suitable material, unless the building is to be enveloped completely by fumigation sheets of low permeability.
- At the end of the fumigation period, the fumigators, wearing RPE, may break the seals and open doors and other openings accessible from outside the fumigation area and then withdraw beyond the risk area for the ventilation period.
- When buildings are to be occupied by people, they should not be allowed back into the building.
Fumigation of stacks of commodities under gas-proof sheets
- Where commodities are to be fumigated under gas-proof sheets, those sheets should be low permeability and in sound condition.
- If it is not possible to stack the commodity to be fumigated on a concrete or other hard standing, polythene sheeting should be laid beneath the stack on the ground.
- Where more than one sheet is needed to cover a stack, the individual sheets should be sealed together by rolling, using spray-on adhesive or by other suitable methods.
- If fumigation is under gas-proof sheets inside buildings, a period of ventilation for the building should be allowed before the sheets, piping or spent residues are collected.
- If the fumigant being used under sheeting is phosphate, particular controls will apply. These include:
Using new polyethylene sheeting, of at least 125 microns (500 gauge) thickness (or laminated sheeting of lower permeability);
At berth or at anchor
- Before fumigation starts, the employer should ensure the vessel is at a suitable location (check with the Port Authority), in good condition and capable of being sealed effectively.
- When only the cargo space is to be fumigated, any opening to other compartments where fumigant may disperse to should be sealed off. No one should be allowed to enter the fumigation area during the fumigation and ventilation periods.
- Crew members are allowed on board during fumigation, e.g. for carrying out other tasks on board or to facilitate ventilation, monitoring should continue to ensure that the compartments are and continue to remain safe before the final certificate of clearance is issued.
- Once the fumigators have arrived on site, warning signs should be erected at the foot of the gangway, advising of the time and date of the fumigation being carried out.
- The fumigant should not be applied until the vessel has been thoroughly searched and all people not connected with the fumigation are out and remain out of the fumigation area.
- The vessel should be in a position which minimizes the possibility of unauthorized access during the fumigation period.
- At the end of the fumigation period, fumigators wearing RPE should break the seals and roll-back sheets and tarpaulins and lift the hatch-boards to assist ventilation and dispersal of the fumigant.